Company Overview
MANI is a manufacturer of medical devices and dental instruments.
Ever since we started manufacturing surgical needles in 1956, we have contributed to society as a medical device manufacturer supplying surgical and dental instruments. Our products, which are safe and high-quality medical devices that satisfy the needs of doctors and patients, have also passed the strict standards of countries overseas.
- Aspiring to the top quality in each of the required characteristics of every product, developing the best manufacturing methods, and protecting them with patents
- Accumulation of raw-material and microfabrication technologies
- Making full use of dedicated process machines and testing apparatus developed completely in-house
- Supplying more than 10,000 different types of needle and 2,000 different dental root canal treatment tools to meet the requirements of different treatment sites and different surgeons
- Production systems in Vietnam, Myanmar, and Laos to realize high-quality and low-cost production technology
- Offering highly value-added products generated by high-level technologies
Business Outline
Under our corporate philosophy–Contributing to the world’s well-being through development, production, and distribution of products beneficial to patients and doctors–we perform R&D, manufacture, and sales of medical devices, dividing our business into three segments: (1) Surgical Products (products related to the surgical and ophthalmic fields) (2) Eyeless Products (Suture Needles:Eyeless・Eyed) and (3) Dental Products.
To avoid country risks, an additional production site was established in Laos as our third site following Vietnam and Myanmar. Additional sales bases were also established in Vietnam and China to reinforce marketing in developing countries.
we acquired all shares and ownership of GDF Gesellschaft für dentale Forschung und Innovationen GmbH, which is a leading company in dental restorative material in Germany, aiming for accelerating launch and introduction of new products in developed countries.
Business Fields
Surgical Products
(surgical instruments, ophthalmic instruments)
This segment includes R&D, manufacture, and distribution activities for the following surgical medical devices and ophthalmic medical devices:
Eyeless Products
(Suture Needles: Eyeless・Eyed)
This segment includes R&D, manufacture, and distribution activities for the following suture needles
Dental Products
(dental therapeutic instruments)
This segment includes R&D, manufacture, and distribution activities for the following dental medical devices
for more information please visit the following link: Mani